After completing her A-levels in 2020, Olivia was fully set on going to university to pursue a Creative Writing Degree due to her love of curating stories throughout her high school years.

However, her path was cut short due to the national lockdown, with Olivia being one of many students locked within their student accommodations due to the ongoing pandemic. Facing subpar classes, less-than-ideal living conditions, and an overall unsatisfactory initial experience at university, Olivia decided to change her path and kickstart her career another way.

Olivia said:

“I knew three months into my university course that I wasn’t receiving the quality of education that I was paying for. With no in-person classes, security hindering access out of my accommodation, and an all-round depressing environment which was affecting both myself and my peers, I knew I was wasting my money, time and negatively impacting my mental health. I made the decision to take a different approach, and came across a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship”

“Having not heard much about Apprenticeships from high school, it had never been on the forefront of my mind. If I’d have known that apprenticeships offer hands-on experience, a salary and a head start on my career journey, it would have been my first choice from the start.”

“Once I discovered the full range of available apprenticeships in my area, I knew Digital Marketing was the way forward. It was my foot in the door to a sector that was forever evolving and in high demand.”

“I began my Digital Marketing apprenticeship at Strategi Solutions in March 2022, being  taken under the Head of Marketing’s wing whilst partaking in weekly trips to the local college. It was an immediate relief to receive consistent support and guidance from both Strategi and the College, something that was lacking during my time at university.”

“At the one-year mark, I successfully completed my apprenticeship with the support of my co-workers and college and was promoted to Digital Marketing Executive, having shown great knowledge of the marketing sphere and evidencing the work I’ve done in partnership with the team at Strategi to eKiciently produce campaigns and social plans.”

“Now at 22 years old, I’m in a career position where I would never have thought I’d be this early on, and that’s all thanks to my apprenticeship. As I continue to progress in Strategi, I’m constantly learning new skills and I look forward to seeing where my qualification and knowledge will take me in the future”